
20 MAY 2020

LLC Associate Ms. Safura Ahmed’s Article is a commentary on the Indian statute, The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, in context to the current Covid19 pandemic along with a comparative interpretation of laws, old and new, from several other foreign jurisdictions.

Legal Implications of Pandemic on Labour & Employment Laws
15 Apr 2020

LLC Senior Associate Farhana Khatun’s article is a commentary on the advisories, orders etc. that have been initiated in India. It covers issues like wages, salaries, layoffs, termination, closure, contracts of employment, pay cuts among others.

Covid-19 and Contract Law
25 Mar 2020

The article by LLC Associate Safura Ahmed explores certain facets of Contract Law in India amidst this Covid-19 outbreak. Therefore, Courts may have to scrutinise how this has prevented parties from performing their obligations.