

LLC’s student oriented initiatives are designed with a strong emphasis on professional and personal growths. Studying law provides students with the opportunity to not only explore an intellectually stimulating subject but also develop a gamut of life skills. It is crucial for students to receive mentorship during the academic years so that they can mould their learning into work skills. Students are required to understand concepts and laws and apply them to complex scenarios so that the necessary problem solving skills can be developed. At LLC, we consider mentoring as sacrosanct to the idea of creating responsible lawyers. The students of today are supposed to be the torchbearers of the future generation of lawyers. Hence, we encourage students to not only pursue their degrees with excellence but also enrich their skills through continuing legal education courses, internships and regional student competitions like moot court and essay contests.


LLC's Internship programme is temporarily suspended until further notice on this page. We are not accepting any applications at present.

LLC Internship is an opportunity for law students to get first-hand experience on the workings of a law chamber. It aims to provide students with a chance to understand the importance of team work, time management and problem solving. The internships usually run for four weeks.

"With an increasing number of students graduating into the profession coupled with a lack of proportionate growth in opportunities, it has become vital for students to make themselves distinguishable from their peers. A degree is a minimum requirement to enter the profession but students need to bolster their profiles with vocational training, continuing legal education and internships to stand out," says Mr. M. Hossain, Founder and Group Head at LLC.

The internship also provides an opportunity to us to identify potential associates for years ahead. At the same time, interns can not only imbibe the skills but also understand the work culture and values which gives them a chance to ascertain if LLC is the right place for them.

Moot Court

At LLC, we think that students need to learn to formulate effective legal strategies and deliver persuasive advocacy through oral arguments as well as effective writing. Moot courts provide students with the platform to hone their skills and so we aim to give students the chance to promote their confidence through such competitions. According to the Oxford University Press, "Mooting is the oral presentation of a legal issue or problem against an opposing council and before a judge. It is perhaps the closest experience that a student can have whilst at university to appearing in court."

Moot courts give students the chance to argue a fictitious case against a competing team in an adversarial format. The idea is to simulate a court hearing so that students can appear before a presiding judge with a carefully drafted strategy by identifying laws and precedents. Participants are required to provide written submissions followed by an oral argument. Students are assessed on the basis of the most lucid presentation of arguments. Moot courts are aimed to help students enhance their skills in research, writing, advocacy and also to learn working in a team.

Information about Moot Court competitions shall be posted here when available.

Essay Contests & LLC Newsletters

The LLC Student Essay Contest is a wonderful opportunity for students and young graduates in law to demonstrate their legal writing skills on various identified topics. The essay contests are held online and all submissions are made via emails. It is a chance for participants to showcase their writing talent. A panel of LLC or external guests will usually judge the contest. Information about Student Contests shall be posted here when available. 

LLC also publishes a periodic Newsletter (LLC Doctrina) covering interesting updates on legal developments in India. Students/interns can apply to us directly for the opportunity to write for the Newsletter and for seeking approval of topics. However, the decision to publish articles sent by students/interns is strictly with the Publishing Editor. Copyright for such published articles/white papers shall remain exclusively with Lincoln Legal Chambers. Copies of previously published Newsletter can be found in Insights page.

Student Training

LLC has taken the initiative to collaborate with some academic institutions and technology partners for the purpose of training students to become better professionals. LLC is working purely in a mentor capacity on such continuing legal education programmes for students including undergraduates and graduates. At LLC, we believe in mentoring student opportunities through our knowledge and experience to foster a better future. The short courses are designed to help participants nurture skills for the modern workplace.

Information on training opportunities in collaboration with academic and tech partners shall be found as and when they are available in the Insights Page.

Client Training

Clients often consult the Law Chambers for legal advice and strategies for better training of the workforce on operational and policy issues so that the overall organisations are more legally compliant. LLC can help such clients with training based advisory programs which can be utilised by client companies or firms as an effective way to train their management and staff. 

The training consultation can be designed to cover any one of the areas including but not limited to regulatory compliance, best industry practices, risk mitigation, contracts management, property acquisition, M&A, investments, insolvency, debt restructuring, litigation strategy, IP portfolio management, data protection, cyber threats and security, e-commerce, start-ups, funding or consumer protection. Client training based advisory programs are bespoke and based on individual client sectoral needs and specific area of law. Clients should view the Practice Groups and Clients Groups to explore LLC expertise.

Enquries about Training can be made using the Form in the Contacts page.